
Friday 4 May 2018

Top 10 Most Beautiful Flags in The World 2018

A Flag is an image that shows a specific nation. A few nations has extremely lovely banners while others they are simply looking exceptionally odd however whichever way a banner is critical to each nation. 

The images or the hues in each banner speak to something. Red for the most part speak to the blood that was shed, blue speak to the waters and the ocean in that nation. Everybody likes to be spoken to by that banner and you believe you have a place some place or you have your local land one feel extremely glad to speak to their nation. The accompanying are the main 10 most excellent banners we have on the planet in 2018.


Indian Flag is exceptionally delightful; the banner was acknowledged in the year 1947 a year prior to India got her autonomy from the English. The Flag have a saffron shading that implies renunciation. After the following shading is white which implies way or reality. The wheel at the center means development this implies India is prepared to develop in all ways particularly monetarily. The green shading at the base means or speaks to association on the ground or how prolific the ground is and they create great yields.


The shades of this Flag are exceptionally appealing even from a separation they are yelling. Made of three hues the red ,white ,and green and at the center of the white shading there is the bird holding a snake this is the delegate of the national official courtroom. The bird holds the snake with its bill and claw this looks extremely appealing even from a far. An oak is tied with a strip at the base with the white, red, green shading. The Mexican Flag is a standout amongst the most lovely banner on the planet, this abandons saying.


The Flag has two primary hues the red and the blue .Red taking a greater turn in .This hues speak to various chronicled occasion in Portugal. At the center, we have a lace that has five blue shields this symbolizes five Morisco lords that were beaten in the Ourique war. The white shading is the shield of Wear Afenso. This banner has white specks that mean five cuts of Christ.


It was endorsed in 1889, four day after Brazil was declared a republic. The Flag has a blend of various hues the white shading has a written work which implies request of advance. The green shading remains for the Brazilian lovely green fields. Yellow symbolize the riches in Brazil. The exceptionally wonderful blue shading speaks to the sky.


Spain Flag is multi shaded and its exceptionally delightful .Spain is broadly known as a vacation destination nation. The extensive bit of the banner is possessed with a yellow shading; at the center, we have two columns white in shading and a gold shading .This columns are accepted to speak to the Mainstays of Hercules. The crown speaks to the decision kingdom. The red stripes are at the best and at the base .Spain is one of the nations that have been led by a lord and a ruler for in excess of a hundred years. This is one among the Main 10 Most Wonderful Banners On the planet 2018.


In 1901 is the point at which this nation got it free and from that point forward the Flag have been flying noticeable all around in the pride of the general population. Their Flag have three noteworthy things that speak to the nation verifiable occasions. One of them is a white enormous star at the base demonstrating the solidarity in the province. The five different stars speak to the southern side of the equator and its said to be the Australia topography.


The Flag has two fundamental hues the red and white. White in this Flag symbolizes truth or sovereignty. Red speaks to bravery or power. In 1921 the shading were reported by Ruler George .The red shading is an image of valor or dauntlessly. The Flag is exceptionally basic yet extremely appealing. The Canadian are pleased with the banner they have.


This is an Islamic nation thus the Flag started from the Muslim Association that was outlined by Syed Amir .the baser shading is green and green in the Quran speak to the Blessing.In Pakistan Flag Green Colour Represent Muslim and white colour represent others religions. It is additionally trusted that the prophet Muhammed loved shading green it was his most loved shading. The bows in the center speak to advance .The white shading at the edge of the Flag speaks to the religious minorities. The stars symbolize light and information.


The Flag have thirteen equivalent parallel stripes that are red and white in shading following in a specific order. These stripes speak to the thirteen states that battled for freedom from the Incomparable English. At the best it has a blue square with fifty white stars the stars speak to the 50 expresses .The banner genuinely characterize what individuals of America are .White shading symbolizes virtue or guiltlessness, Red means boldly and blue means equity. The stripes speak to beams of light from the sun while the stars demonstrates the paradise or the sky where all human look for assistance from since time in dedication.


The Flag is a blend of three banners Britain, Scotland and Northern Ireland. At the center it have a red cross with a without foundation speaking to the Red Cross. It has a white saltire on a blue foundation, which is the shade of Irish banner. The shades of the Unified Kingdom of Awesome English and the northern Ireland which speak to the Cross of st Patrick .This banner happen to be at the best the majority of the rundown meaning it is the most lovely banner .However the hues don't speak to any recorded thing in their history. This state is special in all its ways and have the best economy extremely grew .however it have a lot of states that develops. 

A few people may do not have the genuine significance of the banner however the banner means a considerable measure not only a delegate of its kin emblematically .Once a banner is brought when you are up in a remote nation and your banner is raised you feel exceptionally pleased being from that nation. The above are the most excellent banners on the planet in 2018.

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Friday 20 April 2018

Check Zuckerberg Says It Will Take a 'Multiyear Exertion' to Fix Facebook's Security Issues

It'll be a "multiyear exertion" to settle Facebook's security and substance issues, as per Facebook Chief Stamp Zuckerberg.

Talking amid a press call this evening, Zuckerberg by and by assumed liability for the strategies that prompted upwards of 87 million clients having their information shamefully utilized by the English information firm Cambridge Analytica.

On the about hour-long call, Zuckerberg said the organization "didn't take a sufficiently expansive view" of its obligation to shield the stage from any semblance of phony news, outside obstruction and detest discourse, depicting the oversight as a "tremendous slip-up, and it was my mix-up." While the organization has reported plans to review all applications with access preceding 2015, he said the organization ought to have started looking into them sooner.

"Recognizing what I know today, unmistakably we ought to have accomplished increasingly and we will going ahead," he said.

The comments come seven days before Zuckerberg goes to Washington, D.C., to affirm before individuals from Congress about Facebook's protection arrangements. He called attention to that the organization has 13,000 individuals chipping away at security and substance issues with plans to enlist another 7,000 before the year's over.

Facebook has spent the previous half a month in emergency mode subsequent to uncovering that Cambridge Analytica—a firm with connections to the Trump battle—got client information from a Russian analyst, who abused 270,000 clients who downloaded an identity application in 2014. While Facebook has said it settled the issue in 2015, the aftermath has prompted various inquiries concerning how Facebook gathers information, which applications approach it and whether clients comprehend the expansiveness of the data they share.

Cambridge Analytica discharged its own particular proclamation this evening about the information it authorized. While Facebook said the organization may have gotten to upwards of 87 million clients' records, the organization said it was for "close to 30 million individuals," including that the information was not utilized amid the 2016 presidential race.

One month from now, the European Association will start authorizing its General Information Assurance Directions—a broad arrangement of strategies that will oversee everything from the gathering of information to its exposure. He said general directions as are GDPR "extremely positive," elucidating that Facebook wants to run Facebook's controls over the world instead of just in Europe.

"Is it going to be the very same arrangement? Likely not," he said. "We have to make sense of what makes faculties for the diverse markets with various laws and in better places, yet let me rehash this: We will make all similar controls and settings accessible all over the place—not simply in Europe."

The disclosures have additionally prompted the Government Exchange Commission opening an examination concerning whether Facebook disregarded a 2011 agree declare identified with its security arrangements. Asked whether Facebook trusts it has abused any settlement, Zuckerberg didn't answer the inquiry, however stated, "We've endeavored to ensure we consent to it. Be that as it may, I think the truth here is we have to take a more extensive perspective of our obligation instead of simply the legitimate duty."

Thursday 1 February 2018

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Monday 22 January 2018

Déjà vu Somethings we Know already before it happens

                Déjà vu
Déjà vu French pronunciation: ​[deʒa vy] from French, literally "already seen", is the phenomenon of having the feeling that the situation currently being experienced has already been experienced in the past.
Some times you feel like what are you doing you have done it already sometime before or you goes some where new place but feel's like you already have been there before. in a rearch it's estimated that 90 percent people have exprience this.  It's Déjà vu.
some people who effected with Déjà vu think that they might be alone in the world who exprienced this. there are 5 theories about Déjà vu we tell you about.

1) 1st theory pointed to hinduism. In this theory we feel this because this work we already dene in previouse life or we go on the that place in previouse life. hindus believe in this theory that the person ise be born for 7 times.
2) 2nd theory when we sleep then our spirit come out of our body and done some work. so that works is stor in unconcsious mind. then we do this work in reality we feel that we already done this before.
3) 3rd theory our mind is always thing somewhat In mind something is always circulate and we make many pictures in mind some of its pictures are similar to reality  and we think might be we see this before 
4) In this theory we resemble to our parents our some habits our some bodyparts our face somehow resembles to out parents than inreality something happens to us which already done before with out parents we think that this happen with us before.
5) in this theory in human mind there is ha vain when he pressed out mind think that we already done this work before. Whenever our mind vain pressed or pulled then we feel this Déjà vu.
there is a case of Déjà vu in which a 23 year old man stuck in constant Déjà vu
Scientists believe the extraordinary case of a 23-year-old British man with "constant deja vu" may have been triggered by anxiety. It is the first time such a link has been made. But what is deja vu - and do we really know what causes it?

Most of us know the feeling - the fleeting sensation that you have been somewhere or done something before, when common sense tells you that is not possible.
The term deja vu translates literally from French as "already seen".

Some people with persistent deja vu greet you like an old friend, even though they've never seen you before
Dr Chris Moulin, Cognitive Neuropsychologist
According to research, about two thirds of us experience at least one deja vu in our lifetime, yet very little is known about what causes it.

The group of scientists from the UK, France and Canada who studied the strange case of the man with "chronic deja vu" think one possible cause of the phenomenon could be anxiety.

The man's condition was so persistent he avoided watching television, listening to the radio and reading newspapers because he felt he had "encountered it all before".

Dr Chris Moulin, a cognitive neuropsychologist at the University of Bourgogne who worked on the study, says the man had a history of depression and anxiety, and had once taken the drug LSD whilst at university, but was otherwise completely healthy.

"This man was striking because he was young, otherwise aware, but completely traumatised by this constant sensation that his mind was playing tricks," he says.
For minutes, and sometimes even longer, the patient would feel that he was reliving experiences.

He likened the "frightening" episodes to being in the psychological thriller film Donnie Darko.

"There was one instance where he went to get a haircut. As he walked in, he got a feeling of deja vu. Then he had deja vu of the deja vu. He couldn't think of anything else," says Dr Moulin.

For eight years, the man felt "trapped in a time loop". The more distressed he became by the experience, the worse it seemed to get.

Haven't I read this before?
deja vuImage copyrightSCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY
The term deja vu was coined in 1876 by the French philosopher Emile Boirac. It is the overwhelming sense that you have already experienced something before. But there are other, lesser known, phenomena which are thought to be related.

Jamais vu - translated as "never seen", this is the sense that something which should be familiar is alien, for example a common word which suddenly seems strange.

Presque vu - translated as "almost seen", this is the sense of being on the edge of an epiphany or realisation, for example recalling a memory.

Déjà entendu - translated "already heard", this is the sense of feeling sure you have heard something before, like a snippet of conversation or a musical phrase.

Brain scans appeared normal, suggesting the cause was psychological rather than neurological.

Whilst this case on its own does not prove a link between anxiety and deja vu, it raises an interesting question for further study, Dr Moulin says.

One idea is that deja vu is a sort of 'brain twitch'
Dr Akira O'Connor, University of St Andrews
Unlike many other memory problems, deja vu seems to occur more in young people.

People first experience deja vu at the age of about six or seven, and it happens most often between the ages of 15 and 25, before tailing off as people get older, according to research by Professor Alan Brown at South Methodist University in Dallas.

There are several other theories about what causes the sensation.

Dr Akira O'Connor, a psychologist from the University of St Andrews, believes that in most cases it is a momentary "misfiring" of neurons in the brain which creates false connections.

"One idea is that deja vu is a sort of 'brain twitch'. Just as we get muscle spasms, or eye twitches, it could be that the bit of your brain which sends signals to do with familiarity and memory is firing out of turn," he says.

He says this fits with evidence that deja vu is more frequently experienced by people with epilepsy and dementia.

DementiaImage copyrightSCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY
Image caption
Deja vu is more frequent for people with dementia and epilepsy
Another theory, developed by Professor Anne Cleary at Colorado State University, is that deja vu is the natural result of seeing something genuinely familiar in our surroundings - such as the shape of a structure, or the layout of a room - sparking a false memory.

She developed a computerised virtual reality called "Deja-ville" where people navigate around similar landscapes to test the hypothesis.

But Dr O'Connor says none of the current theories definitively solves the mystery of deja vu - partly because its fleeting and spontaneous nature makes it almost impossible to reliably study in lab conditions.

"Methods of trying to induce deja vu are pretty crude," he says.

"We've used hypnosis and experiments using lists of words. Another method is called 'caloric stimulation'. It's just squirting warm water into people's ears.

"It's meant to deal with various problems like vertigo, but one of the common side effects is deja vu. People have suggested that's because the ear canal is near the temporal lobe, which may control it," he says.
It is not known how many people suffer from the "chronic" version of deja vu, but Dr Moulin has encountered cases before - with some patients even insisting they had already met him because of their deja vu.

"People greet you like an old friend, even though they've never seen you before. Some of them were on Skype on the other side of the world, but they still had that sense," he says.

Since reports of the 23-year-old man appeared in newspapers, fellow report author Dr Christine Wells, from Sheffield Hallam University, says more people are coming forward.

"I've had people from Australia and America emailing me. It appears to be something quite rare, but there are people who say they're experiencing it, or they went through a period of it, or know someone who has," she says.

She says it is an area which needs "a lot more study".

But for some, it is a phenomenon that should remain unexplained.

"I've had people say to me you don't really believe in deja vu, do you? Like it's something paranormal," says Dr O'Connor.

"I've had letters from some people who believe strongly that it is something spiritual, quoting the Bible and the Qu'ran.

"Some people say I shouldn't investigate it; that 'explaining rainbows ruins their beauty'. Personally I've always loved getting deja vu - and finding out what causes it just makes the experience more beautiful."

Must Share your Opinion in comment Section.
Regards: Mr Anonymous

Thursday 19 October 2017

Be careful from this new fruad techniques

مجھے یہ سمجھ نہیں آتی کہ ہماری قوم بار بار سمجھانے کےباوجود سمجھتی کیوں نہیں،
اب یہ نیچے کوئی ‘حور گھی ،یا ‘موبائل سمز،کی پبلسٹی نہیں بلکہ عوام سے ہاتھ کے ساتھ دھوکہ دہی ہے
چند روز قبل نواحی گاؤں بدورتہ میں چند افراد آئے اور گھر گھر جا کر آدھ کلو گھی کے پیکٹ تقسیم کیے،ہر خاتون سے بائیومیٹرک مشین پر انگوٹھا لگوا کر آئی ڈی کارڈ نمبر کی تصدیق کی،
خواتین کو بتایاکہ یہ سارا پراسس اس لیے ہے کہ پہلے ہماری ٹیم آتی تھی اور وہ گھی کی تقسیم میں دونمبری کرتی تھی،100 سے زائد خواتین نے خوشی خوشی گھی لیا اور تسلی سے بائیومیٹرک مشین پر اپنے انگوٹھوں سے تصدیق بھی کردی!!
اب ہوا یہ کہ ثریا بی بی ،سکینہ بی بی،رخسانہ بی بی ،زرینہ بی بی ،شریفاں بی بی سمیت 100سے زائد جن جن خواتین نےآدھ کلو گھی کے بدلے بائیومیٹرک تصدیق کی انکے نام پر تین تین موبائلز سمز ایکٹیو ہوگئی ہیں😪
اب جہاں بھی کوئی نوسربازی یاواردات ہوگی ،یہ سمز استعمال ہوں گی،نوسرباز مختلف جھانسے دیکر معصوم یالالچی لوگوں سے لاکھوں روپےایزی پیسہ یاموبی کیش منگوائیں گےاور ہڑپ کرجائیں گے،جب نوسربازی سے متاثرہ لوگوں کو فراڈ کاعلم ہوگا تو وہ پولیس کےپاس جائیں گے
اور پولیس ان موبائلز نمبرزجن پر موبی کیش یا ایزی پیسہ ہوا گا کو ٹریس کرے گی تو وہ ان خواتین کے نام نکلیں گی،خواتین اور انکے ورثاء کو پڑ’سیاپا،جائےگا،اور یہ بھی ہوسکتا ہے کہ سمز کسی بڑی واردات میں استعمال ہوجائیں !!
اللہ کے بندو ،کچھ تو خیال کرو اور بالخصوص دیہاتوں میں اپنی گھر کی عورتوں کو سمجھاؤ کہ کسی بھی صورت میں ایسے نوسرباز گروہوں کو اپنے شناختی کارڈ نمبر اور بائیومیٹرک مشین پر انگوٹھوں کی تصدیق نہ کروائیں ،آپ کے اردگرد جو ان پڑھ لوگ ہیں انہیں بھی آگاہی دیں!!!
میں نے اپنا فرض پورا کیا اب آپ بھی اپنی ذمہ داری نبھائی...
ہوسکتا ہے کہ دھوکے کا طریقہ کار کچھ مختلف ہ...
لیکن بغیر کسی تصدیق یا پوری معلومات کے اپنا شناختی کارڈ نہیں دینا اور انگوٹھا نہیں لگانا ہے۔۔۔۔۔

Thursday 12 October 2017

Love is better or Friendship?

Love is better or Friendship???

Its very hot topic in now a days that " Is love better than Friendship or Friendship is better than love??? "
may be you had read lot of debates on it. we can not decide which is better but we can discuss and give our views on it. everyone has his/her own point of view so we don't have right to ignore anyones point of view. so your views on this topic are very important so please must tell your point of view to us in comment section.

First of all we discuss about Definition of Love and Friendship.


" The definition of friendship is a relationship between people who like each other and enjoy each other's company."

The strong bond of friendship is not always a balanced equation; friendship is not always about giving and taking in equal shares. Instead, friendship is grounded in a feeling that you know exactly who will be there for you when you need something, no matter what or when.


Love is the feeling that a person's happiness is very important to you, and the way you show this feeling in your behavior towards them.

“Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get — only with what you are expecting to give — which is everything.”

" Love is not about how many days, weeks or months you’ve been together, it’s all about how much you love each other every day."

so it is difficult to decide Which one is better.

My Opinion

But In my opinion love and friendship are two different names of one and friendship are same in reality for example you have a Best friend i am sure you loves him/her. and on other hand if you have lover i am pretty sure he/she is also your friend.

so i don't think so there is difference between Love and Friendship. There is chance that you have lover and she/he is yor best friend too. 

It is my point of view. i don't know i am right or wrong but it is my point of view. I want to know your point of know on this topic so please write you point of view on this topic in comment section.

At the end i want to request all of you that i need your favor. i am new blogger so i request you to promote my blog and articles by sharing with your friends and social media.


Friday 6 October 2017

Reality of Blue Whale Game (Death Game)

Reality of Blue Whale Game

(Death Game)

What is Blue Whale Game???
Is it really a Death Game???

These are few questions that comes in our mind after Hearing about this game.
now a days many people are talking about reality of this game.I was also interested to know the reality of this. so i am going to share my experience of research about this game


Blue Whale game was invented in 2013 in Russia.Real name of this game was
"Blue Whale Challenge" .it also called "Death Game" . 

Philipp Budeikin was 22 years old Russian a former psychology student who was expelled from his university For his irritating behavior, Introduced this game on social media. he created a community on social media and start posting disappointing content on it.he was successful into collecting these type of peoples on one platform after that he introduced this game .the real blue game was banned on Google Play Store.
this game was consist of 50 Missions. Administrator gave instructions to the user which made bad impact on their minds.these were too irritating tasks therefore users became psycho slowly slowly and some of those committed suicide .

According to research 2.5 Lac peoples died from this game and majority was Teenagers.
Some suicide cases happened in Russia  in which one thing was common in all cases that was every suicide victim Tattoo of whale  on his wrest. due to this similarity media started investigation and made report on this and then creator of this game Philipp Budeikin was arrested. He told in his statement that he is not ashamed on this. because according to him all peoples who died deserved he also said in fact the main purpose of blue whale was the removing such type of peoples from this world.Philipp Budeikin was punished 3 years jail.

Missions of Blue Whale

There are different missions in this which user must have to follow. if he refuse to follow any mission than administrator give threat to user.
what was those threats and and my opinion on this i will give in end of this article.

Complete List Of Blue Whale Challenges
A Reddit user posted a completed list of tasks which were supposedly posted in a comment on a story about the game on a Russian news website. The list of 50 challenges has been translated from Russian.

1. Carve with a razor "f57" on your hand, send a photo to the curator.
2. Wake up at 4.20 a.m. and watch psychedelic and scary videos that curator sends you.
3. Cut your arm with a razor along your veins, but not too deep, only 3 cuts, send a photo to the curator.
4. Draw a whale on a sheet of paper, send a photo to curator.
5. If you are ready to "become a whale", carve "YES" on your leg. If not, cut yourself many times (punish yourself).
6. Task with a cipher.
7. Carve "f40" on your hand, send a photo to curator.
8. Type "#i_am_whale" in your VKontakte status.
9. You have to overcome your fear.
10. Wake up at 4:20 a.m. and go to a roof (the higher the better)
11. Carve a whale on your hand with a razor, send a photo to curator.
12. Watch psychedelic and horror videos all day.
13. Listen to music that "they" (curators) send you.
14. Cut your lip.
15. Poke your hand with a needle many times
16. Do something painful to yourself, make yourself sick.
17. Go to the highest roof you can find, stand on the edge for some time.
18. Go to a bridge, stand on the edge.
19. Climb up a crane or at least try to do it
20. The curator checks if you are trustworthy.
21. Have a talk "with a whale" (with another player like you or with a curator) in Skype.
22. Go to a roof and sit on the edge with your legs dangling.
23. Another task with a cipher.
24. Secret task.
25. Have a meeting with a "whale."
26. The curator tells you the date of your death and you have to accept it.
27. Wake up at 4:20 a.m. and go to rails (visit any railroad that you can find).
28. Don't talk to anyone all day.
29. Make a vow that "you're a whale."
30-49. Everyday you wake up at 4:20am, watch horror videos, listen to music that "they" send you, make 1 cut on your body per day, talk "to a whale."
50. Jump off a high building. Take your life.

When any whale (user) met with administrator or talk with him on Skype then administrator cheerfully asked him about his family and other personal information.when any Whale refuse to do any task than they give them threat that they have his personal info and they will kill his family thats why every whale was bounded to follow administrators instruction and at the end they order whale to suicide in front of webcam.

In My opinion they earned from Redrooms which are accessed in Dark web where some criminal mind peoples watch the live streaming of whales suicide and Blue Whale team earned from this live streaming.


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A Flag is an image that shows a specific nation. A few nations has extremely lovely banners while others they are simply looking exceptiona...

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